Archives for December 2011

My Favorite Anti-Porn videos

videos against porn

As we bid farewell to 2011, we all like to look back on the year and highlight what events, people and things most influenced us during the year.

I want to share with you some of my most favorite videos of 2011.  These videos are well done and provide very useful information regarding pornography usage and addiction to pornography.  I think they are a fair representation of the anti pornography issues.

Becoming an anti-porn activist is a nicely done roundtable discussion that shows what you can do to oppose pornography in your world.  It features some guests that are already activists and they give you some great insight.  Check it out.

Becoming an Anti-Porn Activist from Covenant Eyes on Vimeo.

My next favorite video is a first hand testimony of a man named Jon.  Jon shares his first exposure to pornography, it’s effects that it had on his life, and how he quit using porn.  I could truly relate to much of what Jon relayed via this video.  Very Powerful.  Watch here.

This last video was produced by ex porn actress Shelly Lubben.  Her foundation, helps porn actors and actresses get out of the business and heal the pain left behind.  As a recovering addict, I was shocked at the scenes here.  Watch here.

Holiday Porn Binge

binge on porn

Holiday Porn Binge

Tips on how not to indulge this holiday


binge on porn

The holiday season is the time of the year when we let out guards down and indulge in many things we might say no to most other times.  This time of the year we tend to say ‘why not’ instead of ‘no thanks’.  Food and drink are the most common indulgences we allow ourselves, but another unspoken one is pornography.

We tend to indulge in pornography for different reasons, but here are some of the most common:

  • Opportunity – Most of us take time off around the holidays and this breaks our normal routines of sleeping and waking.  The opportunity presents itself for some late night or mid day sessions with the pornography.
  • Need for escape – The holiday season is fast paced and fun-filled.  Sometimes we need to take a break from it all and escape into the fantasy world.
  • Loneliness – For those who have no significant other or family to be with, the intimacy of pornography is what we turn to, to try and make us feel better.


The worst thing is that it doesn’t make us feel better and alleviate the pain or boredom; pornography only compounds our ill feelings and brings us down.  Instead of going on a pornography binge for the holidays, here are a few tips to help you not fall into that trap.


  • Keep your normal schedule – Go to bed and wake up close to your regular schedule.  Don’t be seduced by late night movies or internet surfing, especially when everyone else has gone to bed.  Go to bed when the rest of the family does!
  • Unplug from the holiday madness – Get away with your spouse for a quiet lunch.  Don’t go to every holiday party you are invited to, causing holiday burn out.  Go for a walk in the park and experience the chilly air, wildlife and solitude.  Go to church and connect with the true meaning of Christmas.
  • Don’t spend the holidays alone – Invite friends or family over. Go volunteer somewhere such as a shelter, ring the Salvation Army bell, or at the local food bank.  Get out of the house and go to where people are and you can have human interaction.
  • Make sure your internet is guarded by a good accountability software package.


May you have a blessed holiday season filled with true joy, peace and love.

Seductive schemes Satan uses against us

satan tempts us

From the beginning of the history of man, Satan has been hard at work trying to exploit our weaknesses.  In the garden of Eden, Satan used Eve to appeal to Adam and influence him to disobey God by eating from the forbidden tree.  Would Adam have disobeyed if the attack was directly from Satan?  Would Eve have been talked into eating the apple if Satan had not used the snake as cover?  Luke Gilkerson has a fantastic post “How Nakedness Effected the Fall”  where he makes the points that we are fighting against Satan’s attacks masked as flesh and that Satan knows our weak spots and exploits then to make us fall.

Satan is a cunning and crafty enemy.  He knows that us men are visually stimulated and attracted to the beauty of women.  The nakedness of a woman is powerfully appealing to the flesh of a man.  Scripture talks about the two natures of man:  Spiritual and fleshly, and how we need to “walk by the spirit so we do not fulfill the desires of the flesh”.  These two natures are contrary to each other.  The spirit nature agrees with God and seeks to obey Him and fulfill His will.  The spirit wants to please God and bring about His kingdom, it is God-centered.  Our fleshly nature causes us to seek fleshly pleasures such as feeling good & looking good.  The fleshly nature feeds off of sex, food, drugs, & other sensualites.   The fleshly nature is self-centered.

Satan knows that we constantly battle between which nature to feed.  Knowing this, he goes after our weak point – sex – and uses it to trip up both men and women.  If he is successful, we will get hooked on feeding our flesh and we will be disobedient to God.

Satan can take down man through the woman!  Clever isn’t it?  He will get women to disobey God in a variety of ways.  Some are lured into making pornography.  Some women just dress provacatively.  Other women sleep around or get into partying & alcohol.  When Satan gets women to go against God & feed their flesh, they in turn will lure men away from God.  We men are weak when it comes to women.  Isn’t it very hard to push away from the advances of an attractive woman?  How hard is it to stop from taking a second look at an attractive woman or even more one without clothes?

God knew this and instructed the Jews to not marry outside women.  If a Jew married a pagan woman, most of the time he would abandon God for the god of his pagan wife.  Satan has been using this scheme to get men from the very beginning.  Its the perfect scheme – get the woman and she will bring a man down with her!  Worked back then and it still works today!

Now that you know this scheme, what are you going to do about it?  Has this tactic used by the enemy to take us out now lost power in your life?

Women – Stop being used by Satan!  Be pure, honest & loyal to God.  Don’t let yourself be a stumbling block for those around you.

Men – Don’t get so easily led to failure by the sensuality of women.  Stand strong and see this scheme for what it is – the battle for your soul.

I welcome your comments below.