My Free Book – How to Break Porn Addiction

Free Book on Porn Addiction


Hi All!!   I am very excited about this post.. because it is the announcement of my book that has been 2 years in the making:

How to Break the Bonds of Pornography Addiction and Live in True Freedom

Two plus years later, I am leaving perfection behind and getting this out there to help anyone who is struggling with Pornography addiction.

Inside my book you will find a practical guide on how to break free from pornography addiction.  In all my years of reading on this subject, I have found very good books and some not so good.  Most books leaned too heavily into the spiritual side of addiction while others had no spiritual side.

My aim in this book was to bring a balance of spiritual healing and aid along with practical tactics you can use in your daily life.  This guide will walk you through some personal processing and steps to get yourself ready for healing and breaking free from pornography.  There is also a large amount of resources that will point you in the right direction to get yourself some further help.

I am not a therapist, counselor or pastor, just a recovering addict trying to help others who want out of the pornography trap.  Please download my book for free.  Please read it, follow the directions and visit the resources.  You will soon be putting together your battle plan against pornography and walking in freedom.

Freedom is good.  We were never meant to be slaves to anything, especially sin.  Live Free today.

Download it Free right here : How-to-Break-the-Bonds-of-Pornography-addiction-and-Live-in-True-Freedom


  1. the book was too spiritual and I would not use it if it were me. f

    say the person is not spiritual. The truth is that the only way that spiritual stuff works is if they believe in it. If they don’t it won’t work. its not something you can gain faith in by doing the faith must already exist. So if they don’t have faith then they will just turn around and ignore this book which probably has some good tools but won’t work for those who have no faith.

    that to is something in the brain. It has been shown that some brains are more able to accept things with out evidence while others are not.

    I have no belief in satin so saying that satin is at the cause of porn addiction turns me off you can not convince me that its satin has anything to do with this addiction. its an addiction that is all. There is no super natural part to it for nothing super natural exists.

    • There is a spiritual component to the book that if you don’t believe, won’t work for you. However, there is a ton of other practical advice and tactics as well.

      I think you are referring to satan. It would be hard to convince you at all if you don’t believe in the super natural, spiritual realm. I believe in a God who created everything to be good, but things got wrong when the created chose to disobey him. Satan is a created being who rebelled against God and his main goal now is to keep people away from God and focused on themselves, material things and fleshly things..

    • Laron, you couldn’t be more wrong about this addiction NOT BEING SPIRITUAL. I agree that if you ARE NOT a person of faith (I’m talking about biblical Christianity) than this book WILL NOT HELP YOU. Addiction is a matter of the soul. I could go on and on, but I won’t. Two things, one…your spiritual enemy is real. He is the great deceiver. His name is S-A-T-A-N…not satin (that’s a very fine & smooth fabric). Oh, and yes, he (S-A-T-A-N) is veeeery smooth! And two…here’s a quote that you reminded me of, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, I’ve already made up my mind.”


  1. […] Free Book Shows How to break Porn addiction My buddy Roger over at abattleplan just released a Free Ebook on How to break an addiction to pornography […]

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